Montage: Kampala International Theatre Festival (Uganda) – Bericht des O-Teams
Salon mit Micha Piltz, Aliki Schäfer und Andreas Vogel

Das Stuttgarter O-Team berichtet von ihrer Teilnahme am Kampala International Theatre Festival 2022, zu dem sie mit ihrem u.a. auch am Theater Rampe gezeigten Stück „Hibernation“ eingeladen waren. Eindrücke, Erfahrungen, Austausch – Mitglieder der Gruppe und der Musiker Michael Fiedler (Annagemina, Jah Schulz) geben Auskunft und beantworten Fragen.
„The Kampala International Theatre Festival (KITF) is an annual 5-day festival. KITF was launched in November 2014 as a platform to develop professionalism among East African theatre practitioners, connect the East African theatre-making communities with one another and their counterparts from elsewhere, broaden access to theatre and develop new audiences by supporting and facilitating the creation and presentation of the best and relevant theatre productions. The first edition of the festival featured productions and readings by many of the East African artists and projects that received support from Sundance Institute over the years. Subsequent festival editions followed the successful inaugural festival edition and grew into an important annual event for the theatre-making community that aims to become one of the most exciting theatre festivals in Africa. KITF is produced and curated by Tebere Arts Foundation.“
Das Gastspiel wurde gefördert durch das Kampala International Theatre Festival, das Goethe Institut und durch die Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
20.02.23 21:00 |
Montage: Kampala International Theatre Festival (Uganda) – Bericht des O-Teams
Salon mit Micha Piltz, Aliki Schäfer und Andreas Vogel |
Eintritt frei |